Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Excuse Me? What Did You Say?

When I woke up this morning Nick decided out of the blue that he was going to work from home today, totally random. So, I went to work by myself. For the past few weeks my cousin has been trying to get me to go to her Hair School's hair show at Murray Highschool, which happened to be tonight. I couldn't find a sitter, and I wasn't going to be able to go, until Nick stayed home. Then everything changed.

It was pretty sad because my cousin's model decided last night that she couldn't be in the show. Long story, don't want to go into why she dropped out, but it was a sticky situation. They have been preparing for this for months. They had to draw a name of a celebrity, put together sketches, a board, pick out outfits, cut and color hair...just lots of work. She had picked Barbara Streisand. She had to go through two rounds of juding and made it to the finals. One of 17 finalists out of who knows how many students, lots.

She did really awesome for having to pick a back up model last night, and won first runner up! The winner got a full paid trip to a hair academy in London. She was so close! I was proud. Then at the end of the night, everyone there had a ticket put into a bag. The owner of the salon on stage pulled a name to announce the winner of a $15,000 FULL RIDE scholarship to Cameo College. There had to be 1000 people there. She pulled the ticket and read the name "ERIKA STOCKS"! I won! I cannot believe it! I have wanted to go to hair school since I was very very young , maybe 7. I was bawling my eyes out! It pays for everything, 100%. Books, tuition, supplies ALL OF IT!

I start nights part time in January. I am still in shock. I don't even know what to think! I just can't believe after all of these years my dream is coming true and I don't have to pay a dime for it, it's completely free. I knew something told me I had to go tonight, but I don't think I knew what I was in store for. I am truley blessed.

Here is my golden ticket!


chrissy said...

SERIOUSLY, I still can't even believe it! That's awesome!

(And I'm not going to forget that you said you'll be doing my hair for free from now on! But don't worry, I'll tip big.)

shayrae said...

CONGRADULATIONS! I am so excited for you! it will be awesome!

Lorina said...

ARe you bloody kidding me? Congratulations! K.. so this is totally funny, but I was thinking about going back to school to do hair! I have been bugging Josh for months if not years about this haha... but I would have to pay.. :(

I am so happy for you!

Keira said...

Get out of here! That's so awesome, congrats! You have been talking about that since we were 12!

Erika said...

Thanks guys! I am so freakin excited I could jump out of my skin!

sillyhaywardfamily said...

holy crap congrats!! That is soo cool!! I am way excited for you!! Who knows Maybe when your done we could work together!!