Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 6

Kayden improved quite a bit yesterday. He still had two treatments and two suction sessions last night but he still seems to be improving today. They took off his oxygen this morning and when he is awake he stays in the mid 90's. 100 is perfect and they don't like them to be under 88. He is sleeping right now and we are really testing him without oxygen while he sleeps because your oxygen levels tend to drop when you sleep. He is sitting at 88 right now. Everytime he goes uner 88 the alarm sounds but for about the past 45 minutes he has been sleeping he bounces back from 86 to 92. This is a really good sign that he is sleeping and maintaining a good level. They tell us his lungs are sounding better, not so tight and not so wheezy.

Last night you could tell that he was starting to feel better. He is so sick of having air tubes and monitor wires on him. He has started to put up a fight when they come in and listen to him, or take his vitals where before he was so weak he would just sit there and allow them to do whatever to him. He decided last night that he was fed up with the breathing tubes so he took ahold of them and yanked them out! They are attached to his cheeks with sticky things that are really hard to get off but he pulled so hard he detached one side completely. I am happy to see he is regaining his strength and starting to come back to his old self! The doctor is supposed to come and check on him in a little while, but he hasn't had a breathing treatment since about 10:30am. :)

1 comment:

Love Notes said...

I'm so so happy to hear that he is doing a bit better. I just can't wait to hear that he is on his way home.