Saturday, December 13, 2008


The newest member of the Stocks family. Meet Bear. He's half German Shepherd, half Rottweiler. He's a rescue dog from lost paws of Utah, same place we got Taja, our Siamese cat.

He was nutered yesterday and is still recovering, but is in good spirits. The vet thinks he is about 3 months old, and will grow to be over 70 lbs. He has huge paws, which means he will be a big dog one day. We had to pick between him and his sister, but he just stole my heart from the moment I saw him.

Nick hasn't left his side since we brought him home last night, waking up every 2 hours to take him out of his kennell to go potty. I think he's in love! We have always wanted a dog and spur or the moment on Thursday we decided to go look at him. Once we saw him there was no turning back.

I thought that our cats wouldn't like him, but they seem fine. They act normal really. Only when they are face to face do they flinch. He doesn't mind them at all. He has been around cats since he was born so he doesn't have any issues. He is so mild tempered and just wants to cuddle. Nothing that a puppy normally is. Just an all around good little guy so far.

Next step, potty training. We have been doing a lot of reading and got some supplies for him. We are installing a doggy door, and going to put up a small fence around back so he can go out and play. When you take him out now, even off a leash, he just walks circles around you and stays by your side, almost as if he's scared you will leave him. The kids were so happy when I brought him home last night. They can't leave him alone, and I don't think he minds the attention either!

He looks more German Shepherd in the face, but his tail and
backside carry the Rottweiler traits.
He loves anything fuzzy to lay on.

And he already follows Nick all around the house.


chrissy said...

He's a good looking dog! What a sweetheart. We should have a play date with him and Zoe. I bet they'd get along great!

chrissy said...

But I would have been REALLY excited for a real baby, too, fyi.


shayrae said...

How fun! i thought you were going to say baby too! lol

Lorina said...

Cute! Dogs are fun.

Love Notes said...

Okay, I'm completely jealous. Do you know how badly we want a dog. He is adorable - so stinkin cute. I think I'll wait to tell the kids. That is what Alexandra wants Santa to bring her... maybe for her birthday. With his asthma, we just want Andrew tested one more time.. Ahhhh - so cute.

Jill Petersen said...

Hi Erika,
I was just thinking you guys around the holidays and hopped over to your blog. It sounds like everything is going well. We miss Ambria and Kayden. Give them a kiss for me, You don't even have to tell them it's even from me. (at least Ambria, cause she's the only one that would remember me anyway).

Cute Puppy. I would love one... someday!

chrissy said...

that was random...

Jill Petersen said...

I don't know why you had to say anything- Random or not, I don't have the kind of relationship I used to with the stocks and yes, they are your BFF's now but I still love and care for them and their kids. I know Erika understands that.