Monday, September 29, 2008

Excitement is in the air


Lorina said...

haha... it looks fantastic! Seriously! I love it so far. I love how you love Halloween so much.

chrissy said...

I couldn't even play the video. I saw the skeleton face and it was enough to scare me.

Erika said...

Lorina, you should come by and come through it, and Chrissy, you are officially a WUSS! But I love you anyway. Wussy wuss wuss.

Brad and Marci said...

That is so funny! Nice work on getting me excited, I need a little bit of your Halloween Energy!

chrissy said...

I know, I know. It's quite pathetic, really.

In fact, I about peed my pants last night.

I was walking around the block to my friend's house, and her neighbor had a bunch of Halloween stuff out in her yard, like tombstones, skeletons, and monsters. It was scary! There were even noises playing and everything! I'm the first to admit that I am a HUGE wuss.