Friday, July 18, 2008

Plans for the day....

It's Friday, Nick and I took the day off! Nick woke up with both kids and took Ambria to her doctors appointment at 9:30 to get her kindergarten boosters, and I slept in. She has to have 5 shots. I hate to say it but I am kinda glad I am not there! I hate shots, even when I am not the one getting them. Poor girl.

We are going to go drop off immunization records to the school, and check out Ambria's after school daycare we found but haven't been to yet. Then go to lunch with the kids, and then we are dropping off both kiddos for the night. Ambria is going to her dads and Kman is staying the night with Chrissy. THANKS CHRISSY!

Tonight we are going dancing for the first time since Nick's Birthday. Then we are staying in Salt Lake overnight. I'm excited to have a night out. It doesn't happen very often anymore with 5 kids, so I look forward to the times we go. Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Watch for pics to come...Chrissy, we may even make it on the internet yet again! haha


chrissy said...

You're very welcome, my dear! Have a blast tonight and a great birthday tomorrow. You deserve it. Cuz you're cool, like that.

I'll hunt online tomorrow night for the risque party photos, heh heh heh...

chrissy said...

(And that song is cracking me up. I'd heard of it before but had never actually heard it. I love that you labeled it "SHHHHH". Too funny!)

chrissy said...

And since I've already commented twice, here's a THIRD to make your comment count higher. Happy Birthday.


chrissy said...

What the hey, here's FOUR.

I'm done.
