Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What happened to Britney Spears

Ok, so I admit it, I'm a Britney fan, die hard. But honestly recently I think she has lost her marbles. I read somewhere that they think she has post partum depression, but I honestly think it is more than that. I mean the woman has gone nutso! It's really sad because she had a good shot at making a huge comeback, her CD is awesome (thus promoting her song on my playlist), but I think she might have done herself in this time. I'm a celebrity gossip freak, and I can't stop reading all the nasty things people say about her. I can't imagine being famous and having to live life like that reading every magazing heading about you and your life, out in the public, every day and everyone has their opinion on you. That would really suck.

Well, I will just go on listening to my Britney CD until she decides to get some medication and some serious counseling!! Carry on.

1 comment:

chrissy said...

I love her new CD! Ryan can't stand it, but eh, whatcha gonna do?

It's a shame what's happening to her. It's even more sad to me because there's kids involved. And then to have her 16 year old sister be preggers? Dude, what a sad family. I hope they all pull through it.