Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years Resolution....

Ok, so everyone's New Years resolution is always to lose weight, but this year that is NOT the case for me. My New Year's resolution is to EAT LESS SALT! Wish me luck...oh this is going to be a hard one!

What is your New Years resolution?


Nick said...

Does this mean I won't feel the wrath of that evil stare when I mention something about salt?

Anonymous said...

LOL...I'm a salt freak too! it goes on everything, yummy :) Of course my family knows better than to say anything :)

chrissy said...

k i started commenting, but it turned into a big thing, so i decided to cut it and make a post out of it on my blog!!! ha ha, sorry!!!

Love Notes said...

Okay, I'm boring. I want to lose 8 lbs and declutter! Oh yeah, and I want to go on a date without my kids - Nick will like that one. Ha!