Monday, April 14, 2008

In my dreams, right?


chrissy said...

Pfffftt, in your dreams WHATEVER. Knock it off! You're gorgeous. I'd say you fit right in with those others!

Erika said...

Thanks Chrissy! haha I wouldn't mind having some of their money though...;) PS, I did one on a picture i had of you...I know I know, I almost posted it. You look like Cindy Crawford, Tyra Banks hahah I'm serious all models. Now Nick on the other should see the celebrities it says he looks like...YIKES! I thought it was fun, but not very realistic. You should do it on Ryan!

chrissy said...

Wow, Crawford and Banks? SWEET! I'll take that! I want to see Nick's! I'm going to try and find a pic of Ryan...