Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Ok wow. Sunday we started the cleanse. Day 1 and two are just fruits and veggies. No salt, no butter, no sugar. Day 1, piece of cake. Wanted to eat other stuff, but I made it. Day 2, yesterday, got harder. I started feeling dizzy and weak, and by the end of the day I was done.

We went to Olive Garden on the way home. Usually I love their salad, totally adore it. I didn't want it! Give me the breadsticks, pass on the salad! Wow. That has to be the hardest thing I have done. You don't realize how much food is a comfort. Ya know? You eat, feel good, and that full feeling just doesn't come with fruit. You never feel satisfied.

I talked to my GF Kristi, and she told me that doing it that way it too hard. She said just the 3 days of liquid are way easier. So we are going to try that sometime next month before we go on vacation to Virginia. Wow. I did not like that one bit.

1 comment:

chrissy said...

The fruit and veggie part didn't sound so horrible until the no butter, no salt part. Sorry it didn't work out like you were hoping. I hope the next liquid cleanse is better!